The Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises will announce in this section the posts that will be selected
UPDATE 22.04.2024 – Results of verification of eligibility of candidates enrolled in the recruitment competition for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of counselor, class I, higher professional degree within the Management and secretariat support department
UPDATE 24.04.2024 –Results of contestations made regarding the verification of eligibility of candidates enrolled in the recruitment competition organized on 08.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of counsel, Class I, higher professional degree within the Management Support and Secretariat Division of the Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 14.05.2024 The result of the written examination at the recruitment competition organized on 08.05.2024 (written examination) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of counsel, Class I, higher professional degree within the Management Support and Secretariat Division, Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 22.05.2024 Result of the interview test at the recruitment competition organized on 08.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of advisor, Class I, higher professional degree within the Management Support and Secretariat Division, Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 24.05.2024 Result of the interview test at the recruitment competition organized on 08.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of advisor, Class I, higher professional degree within the Management Support and Secretariat Division, Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 27.05.2024 Final results of the recruitment competition organized on 08.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of advisor, class I, higher professional degree within the Management Support Division and secretariat of the Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises.
UPDATE – 29.04.2024 Results of verification of eligibility of candidates enrolled in the recruitment competition organized on 09.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of counsel, Class I, higher professional degree within the Communication, Public Relations and Registration Division of the Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises
UPDATE 16.05.2024 The result of the written test at the contest for recruitment held on 09.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions as an advisor, class I, higher professional degree within the Communication, Public Relations and Registration Division, Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises
UPDATE 20.05.2024 Result of the resolution of the appeal filed at the written test of the recruitment competition organized on 09.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of counsel, Class I, higher professional degree within the Communication, Public Relations and Registration Division, Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 23.05.2024 Result of the interview test at the recruitment competition organized on 09.05.2024. (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions as an advisor, Class I, higher professional degree within the Communication, Public Relations and Registration Division, Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 27.05.2024 Result of the appeal submitted to the interview test of the recruitment competition organized on 09.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of counsel, Class I, higher professional degree within the Communication, Public Relations and Registration Department.
UPDATE 28.05.2024 Final results of the recruitment competition held on 09.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions as an advisor, class I, higher professional degree within the Communication, Public Relations and Registry Division, Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 29.04.2024 606/5,000 Characters
Results of verification of eligibility of candidates enrolled in the recruitment competition organized on 14.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of 2 (two) vacant public execution positions of legal advisor, class I, higher professional degree and 1 (one) vacancy public performance position of legal counsel, class II, main professional degree within the Legal and Contentious Division, Legal Service, Contentie and Human Resources, Legal, contentious, economic and human resources Directorate within the Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises
UPDATE 07.05.2024 643/5,000 Characters
Result of the contest formulated regarding the verification of the eligibility of candidates enrolled in the recruitment competition organized on 14.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of 2 (two) vacant public executive positions of legal advisor, class I, higher professional degree and 1 (one) vacancy public office of legal consultant, Class I, main professional degree within the Legal and Contentious Division, Legal Service, Contentie and Human Resources, Legal, contentious, economic and human resources Directorate within the Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises
UPDATE 21.05.2024 Result of the contest formulated regarding the verification of the eligibility of candidates enrolled in the recruitment competition organized on 14.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of 2 (two) vacant public executive positions of legal advisor, class I, higher professional degree and 1 (one) vacancy public office of legal consultant, Class I, main professional degree within the Legal and Contentious Division, Legal Service, Contentie and Human Resources, Legal, contentious, economic and human resources Directorate within the Agency for Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance of Public Enterprises
UPDATE 28.05.2024 Result of the test interview to the competition for recruitment organized on 14.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of legal advisor, class I, higher professional degree and one vacant Public executive position of legal counsel, Class I, main professional degree within the Legal and Contentious Division, Legal Service, Contencioso and human resources, Legal, contentioso, Economic and Human Resources Directorate
UPDATE 30.05.2024 Result of the appeal submitted to the interview test of the recruitment competition organized on 14.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public executive positions of legal advisor, class I, higher professional degree and one vacant Public executive position of legal consultant, class II, main professional degree within the Legal and Contentious Division, Legal Service, Contensious and human resources, Legal, contentious, economic and human resource department.
UPDATE 31.05.2024 Final results of the recruitment competition organized on 14.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of two vacant public execution positions of legal advisor, class I, higher professional degree and one vacancy public executive position of legal counsel, Class I, main professional degree within the Legal and Contentious Division, Legal Service, contentious and human resources, Direction of Legal, Contensious, Economic and Human Resources.
UPDATE 10.05.2024 Results of the verification of eligibility of candidates enrolled in the recruitment competition organized on 16.05.2024. (written test) for the occupation of three vacant public executive positions of counsel, class I, higher professional degree in the Corporate Governance Monitoring Division of Local Interest and a vacant Public Function of Consultant Execution, Class I, superior professional grade in the Department of Corporate governance monitoring division of National Interest of the Service of corporate governancing monitoring department of national and local interest, Directorate of corporative monitoring public enterprises
UPDATE 14.05.2024 Results of the appeals made regarding the verification of eligibility of candidates enrolled in the recruitment competition organized on 16.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of three vacant public executive positions of counsel, Class I, higher professional degree at the Corporate Governance Department of Local Interest and a vacant Public Position of Counsel, class I, superior professional degree in the Corporative Governance Monitoring Department of National Interest of the Company Governance Service of National and local Interest, Public Enterprises Corporate Monitoring Directorate.
UPDATE 21.05.2024 The result of the written test of the recruitment competition organized on 16.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of three vacant public execution positions of counsel, class I, higher professional degree in the Corporate Governance Monitoring Division of Local Interest and a vacant Public Position of Executive Counsel, Class I, superior professional degree at the Compass monitoring corporate governance of National Interest of the Service of Monitoring Corporate Government of National and local Interest, Directorate of Corporate Monitoring of Public Enterprises.
**** ERATE concerning the material error found when displaying the results of the written proof at the recruitment competition organized on 16.05.2024 (written proof) for the occupation of three vacant public executive positions of counsel, class I, higher professional degree in the Corporate Governance Monitoring Division of Local Interest and a vacant Public Function of Public Execution of Counsel, Class I, superior professional degree at the Corporative Governance monitoring División of National Interest of the Corporation Governance Surveillance Service of National and local Interest, Directorate of Corporate Monitoring Public Enterprises, AMIPEP.
UPDATE 23.05.2024 Results of the settlement of the complaints submitted to the written test of the recruitment competition organized on 16.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of three public executive positions vacant as an advisor, class I, higher professional degree in the Corporate Governance Monitoring Division of Local Interest and a vacant public position of an adviser, Class I, superior professional degree at the Corporative Governance monitoring División of National Interest within the Corporation Governance Surveillance Service of National and local Interest, Directorate of Corporate Monitoring Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 30.05.2024 The result of the interview test at the recruitment competition organized on 16.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of three vacant public execution positions of counsel, class I, higher professional degree in the Corporate Governance Monitoring Division of Local Interest and a vacant Public Function of Executive Counsel, Class I, superior professional degree at the Corporative Governance monitoring División of National Interest of the Corporation Governance Surveillance Service of National and local interest, Directorate of Corporate Monitoring Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 03.06.2024 Result of the appeal submitted to the interview test of the recruitment competition organized on 16.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of three vacant public executive positions of counsel, class I, higher professional degree in the Corporate Governance Monitoring Component of Local Interest and a vacant Public Position of Counsel, Class I, superior professional degree at the Compass monitoring corporate governance of National Interest of the Service monitoring Corporate Government of National and local Interest, Directorate of Corporate Monitoring of Public Enterprises.
UPDATE 04.06.2024 Final results of the recruitment competition organized on 16.05.2024 (written test) for the occupation of three vacant public executive positions of counsel, class I, higher professional degree at the Corporate Governance Department of local interest and a vacant Public Position of Counsel, Class I, superior professional grade at the Companies Governance Monitoring Department of national interest within the National and local interest Corporate Government Monitoring Service, Public Enterprises Corporate Monitoring Directorate.
UPDATE 26.06.2024 Rezultatele verificării eligibilității candidaților înscriși la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 02.07.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea a trei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior la Compartimentul monitorizare performanță economică, studii și analize, a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul selecție națională administratori întreprinderi publice din cadrul Serviciului monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție, Direcția monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție
UPDATE 01.07.2024 Rezultatul probei suplimentare pentru testarea cunoștințelor de operare pe calculator din data de 01.07.2024 la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 02.07.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea a trei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior la Compartimentul monitorizare performanță economică, studii și analize, a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul selecție națională administratori întreprinderi publice din cadrul Serviciului monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție, Direcția monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție.
UPDATE 08.07.2024 Rezultatul probei scrise la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 03.07.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea a trei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior la Compartimentul monitorizare performanță economică, studii și analize, a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul selecție națională administratori întreprinderi publice din cadrul Serviciului monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție, Direcția monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție
UPDATE 10.07.2024 Rezultatele soluționării contestațiilor depuse la proba scrisă a concursului de recrutare organizat în data de 03.07.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea a trei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior la Compartimentul monitorizare performanță economică, studii și analize, a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul selecție națională administratori întreprinderi publice din cadrul Serviciului monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție, Direcția monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție
UPDATE 12.07.2024 Rezultatul probei interviu la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 03.07.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea a trei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior la Compartimentul monitorizare performanță economică, studii și analize, a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul selecție națională administratori întreprinderi publice din cadrul Serviciului monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție, Direcția monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție.
UPDATE 17.07.2024 Rezultate finale la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 03.07.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea a trei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior la Compartimentul monitorizare performanță economică, studii și analize, a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice vacante de consilier, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul selecție națională administratori întreprinderi publice din cadrul Serviciului monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție, Direcția monitorizare performanță întreprinderi publice și comisii de selecție.
– Anexa nr.2 – formular inscriere concurs contractual
– Informatii privind depunerea dosarelor
UPDATE 12.07.2024 Rezultatul selecției dosarelor la concursul ce se organizează în vederea ocupării funcţiilor contractuale vacante de expert gr.IA (2 posturi) din cadrul Direcţiei juridic, contencios, economic și resurse umane, Serviciul economic, achiziții publice, administrativ și IT
UPDATE 18.07.2024 Rezultatul probei scrise la concursul ce se organizează în vederea ocupării funcţiilor contractuale vacante de expert gr.IA (2 posturi) din cadrul Direcţiei juridic, contencios, economic și resurse umane, Serviciul economic, achiziții publice, administrativ și IT
UPDATE 24.07.2024 Rezultatul interviului la concursul ce se organizează în vederea ocupării funcţiilor contractuale vacante de expert gr.IA (2 posturi) din cadrul Direcţiei juridic, contencios, economic și resurse umane, Serviciul economic, achiziții publice, administrativ și IT
UPDATE 29.07.2024 Rezultatul final la concursul organizat în vederea ocupării funcţiilor contractuale vacante de expert gr.IA (2 posturi) din cadrul Direcţiei juridic, contencios, economic și resurse umane, Serviciul economic, achiziții publice, administrativ și IT
- 12.07.2024 Anunt concurs de recrutare în data de 20.08.2024, ora 11.00, proba scrisă, în vederea ocupării a unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul juridic și contencios, Serviciul juridic, contencios și resurse umane, Direcția juridic, contencios, economic și resurse uman
UPDATE 07.08.2024 Rezultatele verificării eligibilității candidaților înscriși la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 20.08.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul juridic și contencios, Serviciul juridic, contencios și resurse umane, Direcția juridic, contencios, economic și resurse umane
UPDATE 23.08.2024 Rezultatul probei scrise la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 20.08.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul juridic și contencios, Serviciul juridic, contencios și resurse umane, Direcția juridic, contencios, economic și resurse umane.
UPDATE 27.08.2024 ANUNȚ În atenția candidaților admiși la proba interviu a concursului de recrutare organizat în data de 20.08.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul juridic și contencios, Serviciul juridic, contencios și resurse umane, Direcția juridic, contencios, economic și resurse umane
UPDATE 03.09.2024 Rezultatul probei interviu la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 20.08.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul juridic și contencios, Serviciul juridic, contencios și resurse umane, Direcția juridic, Contencios, economic și resurse umane
UPDATE 05.09.2024 Rezultatele finale la concursul de recrutare organizat în data de 20.08.2024 (proba scrisă) pentru ocuparea unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional superior și a unei funcții publice de execuție vacante de consilier juridic, clasa I, grad profesional principal la Compartimentul juridic și contencios, Serviciul juridic, contencios și resurse umane, Direcția juridic, contencios, economic și resurse umane